In our regular anything goes Q&A, we speak to players and coaches on topics ranging from temptations, influences, fashion sense and match teas. This week: East Grinstead and England’s Laura Unsworth
In association with Gryphon

What was your earliest ambition? To be a pilot!
The event that altered the course of your life and character… I think growing up around my grandparents and seeing the hard work and sacrifices they made so we could live the best life possible as a family.
You wouldn’t know it, but I’m very good at … Sudokus
The book that means the most to you (and why)
Prisoners of Geography. It’s about trying to understand the complex, chaotic and interlinked world.
The film you can watch time and time again (and why)
Love Actually – We watch it every Christmas Eve together as a family.
What do you do to relax or get away from hockey? Spend time with family and friends.

Do you have a job outside of hockey? No
I wish I had never worn… My silver so called astronaut jacket.
The biggest temptation you wish you could resist is… Spending money
What would be your priorities if you were invisible leader of your country for a day?
Make sure everyone was fed and watered and had a roof over their head for the night.
And if you were the FIH chief for a day? Get the game played in as many countries as possible.
What is the best match tea you’ve had? Bowdon Hightown always do the best match teas.
The person who has influenced you most in hockey and why…
Karen Brown. She was one of the coaches that believed I could play international hockey at a young age and coached me for eight years at senior level. She also taught me that you’ve got to have fun, smile and not take yourself too seriously along the way too.

What has been your happiest moment? Everytime I step onto the pitch to represent my country with my family in the crowd. Winning medals along the way is an added bonus.
What would you change about hockey for the better? Go back to 16 players in a match day squad.
What is your best coaching tip for aspiring players? Have the desire to work hard and want to keep on improving!
The prized possession you value above all others? My Olympic medals.
What drives you on? When I retire to be able to say that I have reached my full potential as a player.
What stick do you use? Gryphon Tour T-Bone