Monday, February 17, 2025

Hockey Matters: 5 ways you can build a club fitness programme on a budget 

Hockey clubs are always striving to be their best, enabling players to express their individual skills and develop their talent. One of the cornerstones of a high performing club is a physical preparation programme, which optimises performance whilst mitigating the risk of injury. By minimising time lost to injury, clubs can keep their players available which is arguably the most important thing when targeting a successful season.  

One of the challenges with this is the cost implications of developing a strength and conditioning programme, whilst ensuring that it is time effective and impactful. In this article, I am going to give 5 ways that you can build an effective club fitness programme on a budget. This will enable you to provide meaningful physical training without needing to pay large sums of money for fancy equipment.  

  1. Utilise the warm-up as a key training opportunity 

The warm-up can often be seen as a passive period of preparation, something that players do out of necessity. But what if there was an opportunity here to develop some physical qualities that directly impact hockey performance and injury risk?  

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